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Hey There, I Made a Website!

Hey listeners! I'm so appreciative of your support, and I wanted to give you something that might make life a little easier for finding information and different little tid bits.

This website is broken down so that you have access to some of the thoughts I decide to blog about during the week. I'll try to make an update post here at least once a week.

In Quick Links, you can find links to the various platforms that Hey There, It's Liv can be listened through. Just hover over your favorite platform and stream away!

Also, if you ever wanted to give feedback, opinions, just talk, or contribute ideas, there's a contact page along with a little section about me and a few pictures to give you an idea as to who you're listening to.

I will still be posting on Instagram and Facebook, however, this will kind of be the home base for information and updates on what's going on.

Podcasts are still being published on Sundays!

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